Polarization Today: Its Causes and Consequences – Richard A. Epstein
Past Event

Polarization Today: Its Causes and Consequences – Richard A. Epstein

Are we hopelessly polarized? How will this play out in the election? What’s happened to the United States of America? Come hear John Batchelor Show regular and Hoover Institution senior fellow Richard Epstein eloquently explain “Polarization Today: Its Causes and Consequences” at the next meeting of the Gertrude & Morrison Parker West Side Republican Club.

Admission free; light refreshments.

October 13, 2016
7:00pm - 8:30pm
West Side YMCA
5 West 63rd Street
Parkside Lounge
New York, NY 10023
Gertrude & Morrison Parker West Side Republican Club

Related Biography

Richard A. Epstein, the Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, is the Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law, New York University Law School, and a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago. In 2011, Epstein was a recipient of the Bradley Prize for outstanding achievement. In 2005, the College of William & […]
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