Directions in American Foreign Policy – Herbert I. London
Past Event

Directions in American Foreign Policy – Herbert I. London

The Gertrude & Morrison Parker West Side Republican Club is privileged to host Herbert I. London Founder and President of the London Center for Policy Research speaking on “Directions in American Foreign Policy” at its next monthly meeting.

Admission free; light refreshments.

May 3, 2016
7:00pm - 8:30pm
West Side YMCA
5 West 63rd Street
Parkside Lounge
New York, NY 10023
Gertrude & Morrison Parker West Side Republican Club

Related Biography

Herbert I. London is the president and founder of the London Center for Policy Research. He was the former president of the Hudson Institute and a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. In addition, he was the former John M. Olin Professor of Humanities at New York University. He was responsible for creating the Gallatin School of […]
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