Book Lecture & Republican Debate – Brian Kilmeade
Past Event

Book Lecture & Republican Debate – Brian Kilmeade

You are cordially invited to join us tonight for our final event of the year, our Republican Debate Watch Party! And what a way to end the year it is, we have a double header at The Met Club in store for you! Before the debate begins, join us for Fox and Friend’s very own Brian Kilmeade! Mr. Kilmeade will join us to discuss his new book – Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates, The Forgotten War that Changed American History.

And then it’s on to the final debate of the year! The GOP presidential candidates sense that time is running out for them to leave their mark with Republican voters across our country. They know that very soon some of them will have to go, so don’t expect any of them to go quietly or without a fight. From Lincoln to Roosevelt to Reagan and now to one of the candidates who will appear on that stage in Las Vegas – the legacy of our party and the fundamental restoration of our nation rests upon their shoulders. Be here to witness history with your fellow Republicans and to have your say in deciding the Met Club straw poll. So save the date and tell a friend, we would be honored to have you join us!

Copies of Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates, will be available for purchase.

December 15, 2015
6:30pm - 9:30pm
Metropolitan Republican Club
122 East 83rd Street
New York, NY 10028
Gertrude & Morrison Parker West Side Republican Club
Metropolitan Republican Club
Member Price: $10.00
Guest Price: $20.00

Related Biography

Not many broadcasters can say they are on the air for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, but that is exactly what Brian Kilmeade has been doing since 2006. After joining Fox News in 1997, he was soon named co-host of Fox & Friends, where he still thrives today. The show powered its […]
Click to buy Brian Kilmeade's books, or browse all of our books in the club's Book Store
Proceeds from each purchase benefit the club!