“The Grave Above the Grave” Come hear fact and fiction from the distinguished American and New York hero, Bernard Kerik, New York City’s police commissioner during 9/11, as he launches his first thriller, “The Grave Above the Grave,” linking it to today’s world. Be part of the excitement at the next meeting of the Gertrude […]
You do not have to live on the West Side to attend one of our events, nor do you have to be a member or a registered Republican. Everyone is welcome.
Film Screening: Death of a Nation
Not since 1860 have the Democrats so fanatically refused to accept the result of a free election. That year, their target was Lincoln. They smeared him. They went to war to defeat him. In the end, they assassinated him. Now the target of the Democrats is President Trump and his supporters. The Left calls them […]
The Trump Revolution: Where are we now?
Prophetic early Trumpster and foreign policy assistant to President Nixon in his later years, Monica Crowley, enlightens us with insider insights on “The Trump Revolution: Where Are We Now?” at the June meeting of the Gertrude & Morrison Parker West Side Republican Club. Come engage in exciting repartee with this personable political analyst for the […]
Who’s Killing New York’s Mentally Ill?
Saheed Vassell. Deborah Danner. Who killed these mentally ill New Yorkers? Was it really the police? Or could it be . . . mental health professionals?! Come hear the mental health industry’s leading critic, DJ Jaffe, founder and executive director of the Mental Illness Policy Organization, present his startling findings and help him promote new […]
The Global War We Are in
Challenged by Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, is America at war? Freedom Scholar at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, Michael Ledeen, thinks so. Come converse, challenge or concur with this renowned international security expert as he explains “The Global War We Are in” at the next meeting of the Gertrude and […]
Europe’s Take on Trump
Belgium, Italy, Germany, Poland, France. As Trump tours Europe, what’s Europe’s take on Trump? Come discuss with the witty, self-deprecating Dutch journalist and member of European parliament, Derk Jan Eppink, returning to the Gertrude and Morrison Parker West Side Republican Club.
The Social Benefits of…Lukewarming!
Deep Freeze. It’s a Tropical Heat Wave in Disguise! Isn’t it? Or is it something in-between? Come find out from the director of the Cato Institute’s Center for the Study of Science, Patrick J. Michaels, speaking on “The Social Benefits of…Lukewarming!” at the next meeting of The Gertrude & Morrison Parker West Side Republican Club.
State of the Union Watch Party
The Gertrude & Morrison Parker West Side Republican Club and the Metropolitan Republican Club invite you to join us for President Donald J. Trump’s First State of the Union address to a joint session of the U.S. Congress. Join your fellow Republicans as our President updates the Nation on the State of Our Union and […]
Sheep No More: The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival
Post-Sept. 11 terrorist attacks: San Bernardino; Columbus, Ohio; Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Las Vegas, New York City — twice! It’s not just in Europe anymore. How can we protect ourselves? Find out from a counterterrorism operator who developed threat assessments on New York targets. Former Navy SEAL and FBI Special Agent, Jonathan T. Gilliam, speaks on […]
How the States Can Save America!
Tired of elected officials not fulfilling their promises and non-elected officials imposing their will? Perhaps it’s time that We the People call a convention of states to amend the Constitution. Founder of the Tea Party Patriots and president of the Convention of States Project, Mark Meckler, presents this revolutionary idea, based on radio talk-show host […]
Sally Pipes on Obamacare!
Coming especially to us from California, health care expert and original Obamacare critic, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, Sally Pipes, updates us on repeal and replace, exposing the myths of Medicare for All at the next meeting of the Gertrude and Morrison Parker West Side Republican Club.
Trump, China and North Korea: War or Peace?
North Korea creates nuclear crisis. What is to be done? Come discuss with renowned Asia expert and Forbes contributor, Gordon Chang, at the next meeting of the Gertrude & Morrison Parker West Side Republican Club.