Helen Rosenthal

Helen Rosenthal

Helen Rosenthal represents the Upper West Side in the New York City Council. She is a leading voice on issues of accessibility, gender equity and civic engagement, affordable housing, education equity, and adequate funding for social service providers. Elected to the City Council in 2013, Helen’s vote total in the general election was the highest of any candidate running for City Council in New York City.

As Chair of the Contracts Committee, Helen successfully fought for increased City investment in nonprofits who provide essential social services to 2.5 million New Yorkers, especially seniors, children, and people with disabilities. Helen successfully advocated for changes to the way the City funds these nonprofits, along with increased wages for 180,000 social service workers.

In addition to her committee assignments, Helen is also co-chair of the Council’s Manhattan Delegation, and a member of its Budget Negotiating Team (BNT).